Calcium & Vitamin D in pregnancy
Calcium is essential for your baby's skeleton and your own. It should be consumed together with Vitamin D, which allows it to be absorbed by the bones.
Iron during pregnancy
During pregnancy, iron plays an important role. It is iron that transports oxygen to the cells.
Managing Stretch Marks and Body Changes During Pregnancy
By now you will probably notice a little baby bump forming! But don't worry if you are not showing yet, some women take longer to show, especially if it's your first pregnancy.
Baby Milestones
Here are a few key milestones to observe in your baby’s development. Watch and enjoy your little one's progress!
Baby Poo
Your baby's stools let you know how their digestive system is performing. Telling the difference between "normal" and "abnormal" can be difficult at first, but don't despair.
Little injuries
Your baby’s small injuries: Small injuries may play a part in your baby’s daily life. The best solution is always to seek your doctor’s advice.
Travelling With Baby
Going away with your baby gives you the opportunity to spend time with your family and enjoy their company. To make your trip a success, good preparation and organization are essential.
Curious about your baby’s vision? Your little one sees the world very differently than you do. Here is a guide to the general development of a baby's eyesight.
How much food to feed your baby at 6-7 months / 8 months / 9-11 months
While feeding your baby, understanding how much food he/she needs can be tricky.
Baby Milestones – After 6 to 7 Months
A few key milestones in your child’s development
Baby constipation - symptoms, causes and treatment
Constipation doesn’t only happen to grown-ups; babies and children get it as well.
How much food to feed your baby at 8 months
With a little knowledge and observation, you will easily be able to identify when you have fed your child the appropriate amount of food.
How much food to feed your baby at 9-11 months
With a little knowledge and observation, you will easily be able to identify
Baby Milestones – 8 Months
A few key milestones in your child’s development.
Baby Milestones – 9 to 11 Months
Celebrations – birthday cake
Here is a mouth-watering recipe from Nestlé!
Questioning authority
Children over 15 months have acquired a sense of independence that is shown by rebellious moments, which will happen more frequently.
Acceptance and Refusal – 12 to 24 Months
When feeding your baby, understanding how much food he/she needs can be tricky.
Baby Milestones – 12 to 24 Months
A few key milestones in your child’s development.
Recipes - New experiences and new foods
Discover nutritious and yummy recipes for your little one!
Breastfeeding – It takes all of us
It also takes a father's shoulder, a colleague's helping hand, a friend's sympathetic ear and a grandma's eyes.
A to M of Nutrition
Learn what is important for your child’s nutrition, growth and development here, from A to Z!
N to Z of Nutrition
Learn what is important for your child’s nutrition, growth and development here, from A to Z!
Easy 3 Step Guide To Introduce Solids
A month or so after introducing purees to your baby's diet, you can start experimenting with soft, lumpy foods.
Introducing & Starting Solids
Good nutrition will play an important role throughout your child's entire life so it is important to start them on the right track from the beginning and let it happen at a natural pace.
Preventing Baby Food Allergy
In Singapore, babies with no family history of allergy can still have up to 15% chance of getting an allergy.
Baby Allergies - 3 Facts Every Mum Should Know
Most allergies develop at infancy, particularly food allergy and atopic dermatitis (eczema).
Your Baby's Physical Development
If you think your baby has it easy for the first few months, think again. Each month or even each day, brings new skills and progress.
First Words And Language Development
Hearing your little one say their first word makes you tingle with emotion and pride! How can you help baby through these amazing changes?
Keeping Baby Safe
If you haven't done so already, you'll probably want to start thinking about baby-proofing your home. Your little one will be on their feet running around before you know it!
How To Keep Your Child Healthy
You can't stop your child from getting sick, but you can certainly reduce the chances by following some basic principles to promote a healthy lifestyle and strong immune system.
Why Play Is Good For Baby's Body and Mind
Your little one is bursting with energy from dusk till dawn and loves making new discoveries.