- Packing a baby bag for changes and feeds is your first task.
- Pack quite a few diapers and wipes or cotton balls, for diaper changes.
- Pack some burping cloths for after feeding.
- Pack a change of outfit for baby in case of accidents.
- Pack a change of top for you, just in case. Nobody wants to walk around with baby puke on their shoulder.
- Pack some hand sanitizer or wet wipes for yourself.
- Pack a modesty cover, if you feel more comfortable, while getting the hang of breastfeeding out and about.
- Pack a water bottle for yourself, and remember to stay hydrated.
- Pack sterile bottles and teats if you’re bottle-feeding. A flask of boiling water to make powdered feeds is a good idea too.
- Pack a couple of pacifiers if your baby already uses them.
- Remember their blanket or swaddle.
- Wear comfortable clothes with easy access if you’re breastfeeding.
- Dress baby in weather-appropriate clothes. Layers are a good idea, in case the weather takes a turn.
- Bring your baby buggy if the destination is step-free.
- Bring a sling or carrier if you prefer skin-to-skin or if you’re going something with stairs or hills.
- Remember the rain cover for the baby buggy or an umbrella if you’re carrying baby.
- Try to keep baby out of the sun. Delicate skin is extra sensitive. Sunblock and sunhats can help, but shade is most important. A buggy parasol is a good idea.
- Pack a bright pram toy for stimulation.
- Try hanging rattles or toys from the sling or baby carrier on soother chains.
- Leave extra time for getting all your baby gear ready before leaving the house.
- Try to set off shortly after a feed so baby is happy to rest or look around.
- If you’re feeling lonely or isolated as a new mom, check out our ideas for things to do with baby that give something back to you.