It’s not just breast milk, it’s nature’s own defense system

It’s not just breast milk, it’s nature’s own defense system

It’s not just breast milk, it’s nature’s own defense system

Pregnancy: Resources for Pregnant Mom
Jan 28, 2021
2 mins

Did you know…?
The natural protection in breast milk will help nurture your newborn.

Ticking off the days until your due date is an exciting time. You’ll finally get to meet the tiny person who has been growing inside you all these months! As a new parent you’ll instinctively do anything to safeguard your baby. And without doubt, breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your little one’s health.


You may have already heard about the immediate benefits of breastfeeding for your baby’s health. For example, your baby is less likely to suffer from diarrhoea, ear infections, and some breathing problems when you breastfeed.


The health advantages you can give your little one don’t stop there. Breast milk is truly incredible. Here are some of the ways your breast milk will help defend your baby from illness:


  • MO (milk oligosaccharides), and their purpose, are one of the latest scientific discoveries in infant nutrition. Until recently, scientists knew that these bioactive compounds were unique to breast milk but didn’t understand their function. MO are specific bioactive compounds found only in breast milk. They act as natural guardians for your fragile baby, helping strengthen her immune system from the start. So from the very first drop of colostrum, your breast milk will protect your precious newborn baby.
  • Antibodies in your breast milk will help your baby fight off various types of infection, from tummy bugs to wheezy chests.
  • Probiotics are ‘“friendly” bacteria naturally found in breast milk that can help your baby’s digestion by balancing bacteria in her gut. Like MO, they can also support your baby’s growing immune system.
  • Bioactive proteins (some of which are called immunoglobulins) enhance your baby’s immune function and help her developing gut work properly.


Scientists have also discovered that the health benefits of breastfeeding don’t stop in childhood. Adults who were breastfed as babies are less likely to develop health conditions including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.


It’s amazing to think that as a mom you will have the power to influence your baby’s health, not only today but for years to come. Breastfeeding your baby will set her up for a healthy future.

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